Life has gotten in the way once agian. I posted mostly pictures to play catch up since January.
Happy 8th Birthday Kaelie!!!!
Baptisim Day!!!!! We are so proud of you Kaelie
She wore my baptism dress.

Thanks Grandma and Heidi for driving 11 hours to come to my special day.
Park City Utah Ski Trip

Temple Square

All the kids picked up snow boarding really well
Marlin the dare devil
Kaelie snow boarded the first day and skiied the 2nd day. She fell done once on ski's

snow boarding was not her favorite
Happy 11th Birthday Marlin!!!!
We had a big party planned at Buffalo Wild Wings and a movie, but the movies were shut down for the weekend. We had to go to Plan B, Mr. Gatti's.
What Kaelie does when her brother's are playing baseball.
Marlin's baseball season with the Dawgs
It's going, going GONE!!!
KJ's baseball season with the Dawgs

WOW----David and Goliath !!