What a wonderful day for the kids and I. As others were celebrating a pathetic historical event, we were celebrating an end to the most historic president ever. President George W. Bush came to his home town of Midland for his farewell speech before heading to Dallas. It was such a memory maker for me and my kids. The things he has accomplished and the decisions he made as President will forever impact us. My kids and their kids will forever remember him and as they study him in history classes from here on out and will remember being there at the end. Thank you President Bush!!!
(The other Russell's are friends of mine, no relation)
The beauty of a great zoom lens. Let's you be on the front row.
Look real close it says "The United States of America".
Lots of extra on hand personal.
Midland and Odessa Firemen.
Secret Service Man. He wouldn't talk to me I asked him to let me see his little watch thing that they talk into. He just said " no mam', I can't do that".
Texas Rangers were all on their horses. Only in TEXAS. Got to love TEXAS!!!
Where all the going on took place.